Friday, July 3, 2009

Weekend fun

Shayne, Edna & Aliana came back for the weekend last week.  It was great seeing them again!!  Since Edna had never been to our little corner of Iowa in the summer, we took her out & about.


We went on a garden walk…

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…and ran into Ruth & Jeremy.


A quick stop at Pike’s Peak


Guttenburg – Shayne posing with his Aliana’s new toy


We were all wondering where Larry was & then we saw him strolling along eating out of this huge bag of popcorn – just like a little kid.  :)


Edna had never been to Decorah or seen a waterfall before so Michele & I took her over to Dunning Springs.

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Here she is taking pictures at Phelps Park


We also went out to Seibert’s farm where we fed the cows corn stalks


…and we even petted a duck!



Renee said...

Looks like you had lots of fun. Wish we could of made it home, but I think we will be home either this coming weekend or the next. I'll get a hold of you when we are in town.


Unknown said...

Awesome! I'll look forward to seeing you guys! :)