Saturday, June 26, 2010


Diesel found this treasure one day when we were out walking.  He picked it up & hopped the rest of the way home with it in his mouth.  It's one of his favorite toys.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Can I come in . . . please????

Toy box

Diesel is fascinated with his toy box.  When he was smaller he would crawl in & lay down.

I upgraded to a bigger toy box because "someone" was too spoiled.  :)  It's hard for him to reach all his toys so I will tip it on its side when he wants to play with his toys - and then he did this...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Austin Roney

Last Saturday was a beautiful day for my brother's wedding.

Here's the happy couple.

The girls...

Austin & I