Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another Update

I went to the doctor again yesterday & everything is still looking great! I received splints to help my toes heal straight & I can now take showers!! I have to go back in 2 weeks & have x-rays taken. If everything looks good I may be able to wear normal shoes again. I took a picture of my feet, they are still quite swollen but I think that they will look much straighter when the swelling goes down because they are mostly swollen where the bunion was. :)


Chris said...

Wow! I was looking at the photos you posted earlier -- I can see a huge difference. Have they "felt" different or is it too soon to tell?

Unknown said...

They still feel kinda tingly & I can tell that they are still swollen but they do look so much better! I'm supposed to do exercises with them (move them up & down) so maybe that will help.

Renee said...

Wow what a change. I also checked out your before pictures. I'm sure you are looking forward to them being totally healed:)