Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Stupid snow!!!

It's not supposed to snow in April!!

Good thing I haven't planted my daffodils outside yet.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

2011 Flooding

This is at the last area you can pull into from the road between the Lansing bridge and Wisconsin

This is in Prairie Du Chien trying to get to the Villa Louis

This is right when you come into McGregor from Marquette

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Another update

I never posted after I had surgery on March 31st. Well, everything went great! My eye didn't hurt at all after surgery, but my throat was very raw from the breathing tube during surgery. I only took one of my pain pills and that was just to make sure I didn't wake up in pain in the middle of the first night.

Here I am with my stitches

Now my stitches are out and I don't have much of a scar!

I think the redness will go away once I get the tube out exactly a month from today.  :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eye update

I've been feeling much better since my eye drained on Tuesday, March 15th. I went in for an appointment that day & they put me on stronger antibiotics. I was on those for 10 days & saw a surgeon for a surgical evaluation on Thursday of last week. They took pictures of it to use as an example for other optometrists!  I will be having surgery on Thursday this week to fix the problem. At least it's an outpatient surgery.  The surgeon said that the tube that runs from the tear duct and drains into the throat will not reopen once it's been blocked so severely. She will make a new place for my tear duct (lacrimal sac) to drain across and into my nose. She told me that if I did not fix it now it would definitely come back again & again. She didn't really say how I could have gotten this, just that I had some kind of aggressive bacteria that somehow got in there.

Here's me now
(the color's a little off since I took it with the lights on instead of sunlight)

Monday, March 14, 2011

My left eye

On Wednesday night my left eye began swelling. I went to the eye doctor in town Thursday & was immediately sent to LaCrosse where they put me on antibiotics. I have a blocked tear duct.

This is my eye on Saturday

This is my eye today
I was hoping that I could get an appointment today, but I have to wait until Tuesday. It is so huge & sore! I'm praying that they will be able to do something to help tomorrow!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy birthday to Diesel!!

It's Diesel's first birthday today.  I'm hoping that since he's considered an adult now that he'll stop chewing on my shoes, eating the window blinds, eating the kitchen rug, shredding toilet paper, among other naughty things!  :)